General terms and conditions
The General Terms and Conditions are subject to change and, in any event, the applicable General Terms and Conditions at the time of the purchase or sale shall apply unless otherwise agreed upon in a signed document by an authorized representative of allnex.
Standard conditions of purchase
(allnex = buyer)
The standard conditions of purchase set out below for the relevant goods and/or services shall be the country version which is determined by the registered seat of the allnex entity which figures on the purchase order or purchase agreement.
Select a region and language version below to download the applicable General Terms and Conditions.
Brazil – English/Portuguese
USA - English
Asia Pacific
China - Simplified Chinese
China - Traditional Chinese
Indonesia - English
Japan - Japanese
Korea - Korean
Other Countries - English
Europe/Middle East/Africa
Belgium - English
Belgium - Dutch
Belgium - French
France - English
France - French
Germany / Austria - English
Germany / Austria - German
Italy - English
Italy - Italian
The Netherlands - English
The Netherlands - Dutch
Russia - English
Russia - Russian
Spain - English
Spain - Spanish
Rest of Europe - English
Australia - English
New Zealand - English
When doing business with allnex, suppliers of goods and services are expected to respect and adhere to required principles of decent business as described in the allnex Supplier Code of Conduct which you can find by clicking here. Allnex expects its suppliers to adhere to and live by the aforementioned principles by incorporating them in its own business practices
Standard conditions of sale
(allnex = seller)
The standard conditions of sale set out below for the relevant goods shall be the regional version (and for the Americas and Asia Pacific the country version) which is determined by the registered seat of the Allnex entity identified in the order confirmation.
Select a region and language version below to download the applicable General Terms and Conditions.
Canada – English / French
Mexico - Spanish
USA – English
China – Simplified Chinese
China – Traditional Chinese
Indonesia - English
Malaysia - English
Thailand - Thai
Vietnam - Vietnamese/English
Other countries - English